Our Menagerie
Yes, We Are A Horse Farm
I love animals. My childhood dream was to live on a farm and have lots of them. Thus the goats who assist in pasture management though weed control and leaf cleanup. Plus they are just so cute.

The Cats
One on One Time
This is Sebby's farm. The other cats are his pride. The barn is home to cats whose mothers found their way to our farm to give birth. We practice Trap, Neuter, and Release. The kittens though are tamed and remain with us. Moms usually hang around as they know the homemade cat food is good.

Sarah's Ducks
One Cold Duck
Our chickens and ducks are totally free range and assist in parasite control through their scratching and uncovering of external parasite larvae.
Petunia, our duck, showed up one bitterly cold day in mid February. More ducks, "The Kids" were added to keep Petunia company which led to "The Children".
Free Range Chicken & Duck Eggs are utilized in the homemade cat food.

The Dogs
The Goldens
Our beloved Golden Retrievers are a joy to play with us & enjoy meeting farm visitors.

Our Own Horses
We Gave Them A Home
From ponies given to us for our daughters to learn to love, care, and ride their own horse to the riding horses owners entrusted us with a lifelong homes so that if time allowed we might all enjoy a trail ride together these are the horses who called Orchard Equine Retirement home..

Our Mini Donkeys
Heard Round the Neighborhood
All of our donkeys were given to us by their owners in return for a loving lifelong home. Our donkeys’ wonderful brays were heard throughout our rural neighborhood. Loved by JB, and Smokey as if they were their foals, & Houdini as a companion, all of our donkeys are sadly missed.

Our Feathered Friends
The Buzzards
Our free range chickens are truly free range, roaming over the entire farm and even visiting our neighbors (who welcome them for their appetite for insects). Our chickens not only provide us with fresh eggs for ourselves and our homemade cat food, they also perform they very important job of controlling flies and ticks by consuming fly larvae and ticks. Our daughters named all the chickens at one time, the favorite of course being Beaky who was known far & wide with many friends. Beaky went to school with Sarah for a school project and appeared on Mom’s On the Move with Linda Swain.