Superior Perimeter, Pasture, & Paddock Fencing
KeepSafe Diamond Mesh, the same fencing that kept Secretariat safe in his paddock at Claiborne Farms, keeps your retired horse safe at Orchard Equine Retirement.
Our Fencing Keeps Your Retired Horse Safe
Farm is Entirely Fenced & Cross Fenced with Superior Fencing
Your horse is kept protected with woven Keepsafe Diamond Mesh Fencing and woven wire fencing, four feet high with an oak top board. Corners are rounded for your horse’s safety. This is the same fencing used in Secretariat's paddock at Claiborne Farm in Kentucky.
"This is Dr. Tucker’s favorite fence and was used for Secretariat. He also points out that the corners are rounded off (no square corners) so a horse can’t get trapped there by another horse. "
"Dr. Tucker says this diamond mesh is very tough and he’s never seen a horse that can break through it, nor has he ever seen one caught up in it."
“V-mesh wire is one of the most respected equine fences in the market"
Karin Turnbull, System Fencing in Rockwood, Ontario
"V-mesh wire (also called no-climb fencing) is one of the safest fencing options out there. This type of fence has a diamond pattern that makes it as effective at keeping animals out as it is in keeping horses in."
The Horse Channel
All exterior gates on the farm are kept locked to ensure your horse's safety."

No Climb Fence
KeepSafe Diamond Mesh
Pastures are fenced entirely in 48" high Keepsafe Diamond Mesh or 2" No Climb Fencing with oak sight boards. All corners are rounded for your horse's safety.

Keeping Your Horse Safe
Four Board Fencing
Paddocks and dry lots are fenced in four board oak fencing, 2" no climb and/or Keepsafe Diamond Mesh with oak sight board with 8' posts 3' in the ground which keeps posts secure.

Gated Entrance
Our farm's perimeter is completely enclosed. Farm entrance is pictured above.
Reserve Your Horse's Retirement Today
Peace of Mind is Priceless.
At Orchard Equine Retirement we have been providing Full Care Horse Retirement since 1988. We know that retiring horses is so much more than turning a horse out in a pasture.
Much more. We understand and respect the special relationship owners have with their horses. We understand how difficult it is to separate from your partner and friend.
We've been there. Lying awake at night wondering if they are being fed properly. If they are standing out in the weather, or are they comfortable inside their box stall or run in shed with their buddies.
It is that very relationship with a horse named Prince and the failed search for a horse retirement farm where he could safely retire, that inspires us to this day.
We look forward to discussing the retirement you want for your horse. Please include your horse's name in your message!
Our Rates
We offer flat rate and itemized billing. Clients choose which method best suits their horse's needs and their preferences. Call or send a message to reserve your horse's retirement at the farm that continues to set the standard in horse retirement.
Christine, Jack, and Sarah
Orchard Equine Retirement